How to tackle startup problems like a boss šŸ˜ˆ

Brice Garnier
2 min readFeb 17, 2023


I love the startup world because of the endless number of problems you encounter along the way! I think the best moments in life are when you face an obstacle and find a solution, even if it means bending the rules a little. We all know itā€™s the result that counts.

Imagine a life where you have so many problems, but you always find the solutions and then tell others about the situation you were inā€¦ itā€™s incredible.

For me, the word ā€œstartupā€ means complex problems that last indefinitely. If you donā€™t like to complicate things, this article is perfect for you.

I have a simple method that helps me see things differently, think strategically, and always find a QUICK SOLUTION. I call it I.C.T.E ( Information, Cost, Time, Execution).

First, I identify the problem by asking myself why itā€™s stopping me from moving forward and achieving my goal. Once Iā€™ve identified it, I go into research mode, always reminding myself that there are over 7 billion people on this planet, and someone out there has already found the solution to my problem. With that in mind, we begin the method.

Information : is critical in the startup world. Being up to date is a source of invaluable data. My associates often say ā€œGoogle is your friendā€ when someone is searching for information, and itā€™s totally true. Today, you donā€™t need a bunch of books, all the info you need is on the internet. As for Cost, Time, and Execution, I have a few more tips.

Cost : Try to find the most cost-effective solution. Donā€™t waste money on things that arenā€™t necessary. For example, if you need a new tool, try to find a free alternative or one that offers a free trial before committing to a paid plan.

Time : Time is of the essence in the startup world. You donā€™t want to waste any of it. Prioritize your tasks and focus on the most important ones. Donā€™t procrastinate or get sidetracked by things that arenā€™t relevant to your goal.

Execution : Execution is the most critical part of the process. You need to act on your research and put your ideas into action. Donā€™t be afraid to fail. Youā€™ll learn from your mistakes and become better equipped to handle future problems.

In conclusion, problems are a part of life, but they donā€™t have to be a burden. With the right mindset and approach, you can turn them into opportunities. Remember I.C.T.E and keep pushing forward like a boss.



Brice Garnier

Co-founder @Swap @Vybecard - BA - Living in Hong Kong for talk about cool story