The Importance of Listening to Fellow Startups and Avoiding Ego in Business

Brice Garnier
3 min readFeb 18, 2023


As a startup founder, it can be easy to let your ego take over. You’re determined to make your business succeed, and it’s easy to believe that you know what’s best for your company. However, it’s important to remember that ego can be a double-edged sword — while it can help you stay motivated, it can also blind you to the advice and experiences of others. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of listening to fellow startups and avoiding the pitfalls of ego in business.

Learning from the Experiences of Others: The Value of Seeking Advice from Fellow Startups

Seek out advice from others who have been in your shoes. One of the most valuable things you can do as a startup founder is to listen to the advice and experiences of others who have been in your shoes. Whether it’s a fellow founder, mentor, or industry expert, seek out the advice of those who have faced similar challenges and triumphs. They can offer unique insights and help you avoid common pitfalls.

The Double-Edged Sword of Ego: Why Staying Humble is Critical for Startup Success

Avoid letting your ego take over. It’s important to remember that your business is not about you — it’s about your customers and the impact you’re making in the world. Avoid letting your ego take over and cloud your judgment. Instead, stay humble and open to feedback and advice.

Discerning Advice: How to Determine Whose Advice is Worth Taking in Business

Don’t take advice from those who haven’t been in your shoes. While it’s important to seek out advice from others, it’s equally important to be discerning about whose advice you take. Don’t take advice from those who haven’t been in your shoes or don’t understand the unique challenges of your business. Instead, focus on seeking advice from those who have faced similar challenges and have come out successful.

Staying True to Your Purpose: Why Values are Critical for Navigating Business Decisions

Stay true to your values and purpose. Finally, it’s important to stay true to your values and purpose as a startup founder. Don’t let the opinions of others or the pressure to succeed distract you from your mission. Instead, stay focused on your values and purpose, and let them guide you in making important decisions for your business.

As a startup founder, it’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of success and forget the importance of listening to the advice and experiences of others. However, by seeking out advice from those who have been in your shoes, avoiding the pitfalls of ego, being discerning about whose advice you take, and staying true to your values and purpose, you can build a successful and impactful business. This article was inspired by a conversation with a successful entrepreneur and friend, who reminded me of the importance of staying humble and open to advice — a lesson I hope other startup founders can learn from as well.



Brice Garnier

Co-founder @Swap @Vybecard - BA - Living in Hong Kong for talk about cool story